Fly fishing South America for one year: Part 1
ONE YEAR?! Yup, that was my reaction when Dizzy told me what he was going to do.
And we’re taking you to the other side of planet earth for this one!
There are the one-two or even three-week big fishing trips to that dream destinations. And then there’s this… a one-year-long dream trip exploring and fly fishing South America. Now that’s a trip of a lifetime.
I’m sharing Dizzy’s epic journey fly fishing South America here in a series of blog posts. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do as we follow him and ‘experience’ what it’s like.
I first met Dizzy when he came to Kuala Rompin to fly fish for sailfish with his buddies, Will and Peter.
Dizzy is quite a character
Full of joy and laughter we really enjoyed having him fishing with us, and I’m also very happy that he landed a sailfish on the fly when he was here.
When he first told me that he was going to South America, just roughly about a month after coming to Rompin and to fish for a year catching all sorts of fish, I was like wow, what a dream trip. Hard not to feel envious of something like that. Something that few people can afford, money or time wise.
How Is That Even Possible?
I asked how is that possible and his reply was he’s been planning this for a long time and saving up for it (Fizzy is married and obviously has a very understanding Wife).
Perhaps I’ll kick off this first post talking about how nice it will be to have the foresight to save up for something like this.
Most people plan ahead, save up for marriage, save up for children’s education, save up to buy a house and such, how nice it is to enjoy your life after working really hard – rewarding oneself and something really nice to look forward to.
For most of us mere mortals we can still work hard and go on big trips hopefully every year, albeit shorter trips.
Don’t be that guy that says “I should have done that” later in life when we physically are unable to.
One life, live it.
First Stop – Fly fishing Kendjam Brazil
by Dizzy
September 2023
“Guys only pulled in to Kendjam at about 5:30 tonight left at 5 am. Great location.
I’ll not write to you all but will share some news as it comes in, first fishing tomorrow, it’s nearly bed time now.

Yesterday’s pictures was good too. Though not as many.

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