Other than just making a quick cast, this is also about line management.
Every fly fisher has had this experience – line tangling and knotting up as we make our casts. Or fish swims out of sight as we strip line out from the reel in preparation to make a cast.
You many have all the time in the world in some freshwater situations, but almost never when in the salt. In the saltwater fish often show up suddenly and is gone within seconds.
How do we get around these problems? By having good line management and being able to make a quick cast, of course.
There are a few scenarios where line management without a stripping basket can become very handy such as 1) fishing from a boat 2) wading in a river with running current and of course, 3) wading in the saltwater flats
There are many ways to execute a quick-cast, you might want to try a couple to find one that you’re most comfortable with. And most definitely, practice them before that big trip!
Watch the video of Jimmy LeMert showing how to make one…
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