New Zealand has always been an attraction to me and a place I’ve always wanted to fish at. Ever since the 1990’s (20 plus years ago) I’ve said this will be a nice country to live in, maybe retire in. Because of my fishing business and over my guiding period I’ve made a number of […]
Video: Thai Mahseer Moment – Aznir Strikes Gold
This is the full length video version of the trip where we encounter rain and Aznir lands his biggest Thai mahseer yet.
Fly Fishing Feature in Local Fishing TV Show – Kembara Joran
Catching a fishing show in Malaysian TV is as good as catching fish in a heavily pressured pond. Even overseas produced ones are hardly shown, let alone locally produced ones. However, there is always YouTube and the internet. Last week, the people from a local TV fishing show, Kembara Joran, did some shooting at Empangan […]
Fly Fishing in Mongolia: Summer Trip Day 1-3 Video
Watch scenes from our 2017 summer trip in Mongolia.
Video: Fly fishing in Rompin – free swimming sailfish
Eddie had an epic afternoon, landing three sailfish within two and half hour. Watch the video to see Eddie casting to and coming tight to the teased-up free swimming sailfish behind the boat.
Sek and his Rompin Sailfish on Fly – Video
After a number of shots and failing to get any solid hookups, Sek finally nailed this sailfish that put up a gallant fight. Sek, a Certified Casting Instructor, is no stranger to fighting big fish but it still got a little tense at times. The Sage Salt rod and Hatch reel stood up to the […]