It is a catch-22 situations, HIGH water level (which is what we want for good sebarau fishing) but DRY conditions (which is not ideal for sebarau!).
It hasn’t rained for the past three weeks prior to this trip. The water level of Temenggor lake however has risen considerably as it had rained cats and dogs in November and early December – plus little to no water had been released from the dam.
It’s the first week of January and it is the first year 2020 fishing for many on this trip.

One of the things that stood out this trip are the numbers of toman around. They can be said to be literally almost everywhere.
Our group of 4 boats ran into toman on every session. The only setback was the big ones are just not aggressive.
There was very few follows and most just ignored our offerings. Can’t say the same for the juvenile toman, though. These fish are mostly in the foot-long range size, big-juvenile, small-adult toman. They attack our flies with gusto and entertained us non-stop everyday. so much so some of us had to avoid them!

We sighted a fair number of sebarau during the trip. There was a couple of feeding frenzy sessions too.
One of the guys even had three good chances of landing really big sebarau but missed his chances.
Although we can see that the sebarau was around in fair numbers, they were mostly not feeding aggressively for some reason.

Find out more about the sebarau (hampala barb) here
As always, the fresh cool air and breathtaking sights in Royal Belum makes a perfect getaway.

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