Martyn White and David Carr are both Tokyo based and a Scot and Hawaiian respectively, both are avid experienced fly fishermen.
This will be their first time attempting billfishing, specifically sailfish on fly. It is always a wonderful experience to host people for the first time, especially so if they successfully hooks on to their first billfish.
As charter operator and guide, the uncertain weather always dampens the spirit but as always, even in the worst situations I am cautiously positive.Our range is limited due to rough seas, thankfully though, we are able to find fish inshore.
We are fishing side by side with our live aboard boat, the Sea Urchin and what a productive morning it is on the first day although it started off with light rain. Both Martyn and David had multiple follows on the teasers and these fish are aggressive. Perfect candidates for sailfish on fly.
Not long after, both Martyn and David successfully hooks and land their first sailfish!
There are more opportunities presenting themselves throughout the rest of the day but none were successfully hooked up.
The next day is about the same carbon copy of day one. Martyn and David again land another sailfish each.The trip is already a huge success as far as everyone is concerned.
On the third and final day however, the unpredictability of our sport makes itself crystal clear. It turns out to be an extremely slow day with only one sighted raised sailfish.
Why do I say sighted? Because many a times billfish follows our teaser subsurface and we might not see them on the surface.
The day’s weather turns out gloomy with stormy clouds hanging overhead all day threatening to pour down rain. The seas were slightly choppy and although sailfish are sighted, they are just not interested in chasing after our offerings.
Martyn’s flickinfeathers blog that features many awesome fly tying content.

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