It has been quite sometime since the local fly boys organized any event. Even longer when it comes to a fly fishing competition.
Dron suggested we have a friendly competition just for fun and everyone agreed. The chosen venue is SW Jurassic fishing pond, a stocked pay-to-fish saltwater pond located in Sepang, Selangor.
The friendly competition was held on the Sunday morning of 29th November 2015 with a final tally of 15 participants of all levels and nationality.
The prize? Good old cold-hard-cash and beautifully tied flies sponsored by popular fly-tier Jobina Chia.
All prize money is contributed by the participants, the winners will then have to take the participants to lunch after the competition. Everyone is a winner!
Although the phrase just-for-fun was repeated again and again, we all know that when it comes to competition, there is really no such thing as just for fun and everyone could feel the intense competitiveness building up as the date got closer.
There were some who went for warm-up or familarisation sessions at the pond.
For more information about SW Jurassic Fishing Pond, GO HERE.
And then there were those that bought brand new rods, reels, lines, you name it, to use for the competition. Not forgetting the number of flies tied in anticipation which must have amounted to the hundreds.
On the night before, some of the lads spent the night in a budget hotel near the venue which was a fun idea indeed.
The 4-hour competition flagged-off at 0730hrs and lasted for four hours.
Plenty of fish were caught but everyone including the pond operator, Jeffrey Chan, was actually expecting better bite rates especially in the earlier part of the day which did not materialise much to our dismay.
I’m not sure if the commotion spooked the fish but it was fairly quiet in the early session and most of the bites only came later on.
In the end, the champion was Daniel Tan with six fish, followed by Affendi and Rahiman who tied with four fish each. The tie was quickly settled with a flip of the coin.

After the event, it was feeding time for the fish and some of the guys could not resist the temptation and fun of catching a few more fish.
Our intended lunch venue was closed sadly and we had to quickly settle for a simpler venue as we were famished.
The venue did not matter that much though as the camaraderie and get together was the highlight of the day.

Everyone agreed that we should have small scale simple events such as this more often to keep in touch and grow the sport of fly fishing. If you would like to join us or interested to find out more about fly fishing, please leave a comment below or contact us.
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