I will be the first to admit that when it comes to tying flies, I suck.
The reason is because I hardly ever tie my own flies although I think of doing it every now and then. Why didn’t I?
Well, I did tie some flies when I first picked up fly fishing. I got all excited then and put together a fly tying corner in a room.
I have to admit that I enjoyed tying flies. And I still enjoy tying flies. Like how many of you would feel, it’s very rewarding to see your own creations come to life in the water and have fish eat them.
Tying flies can also be relaxing and therapeutic even.
Fishing Gets In The Way of Tying
Soon though I discovered running my fishing charter and guide business is more taxing than I first imagined.
Rather than sitting down and tying flies for upcoming trips, there are always enquiries to reply, the need to update online media, going through trip photos and videos, and producing videos. That’s when your hobby or dream job starts to become work.

Back To Tying Flies
Recently I helped look after Tacklebox Adventures, Malaysia’s premier and only fly shop, while Nick was away on a trip for 12 days.
The fly tying table is ever ready in the shop and there are heaps of tying materials everywhere.
I took the opportunity to tie some flies whenever there isn’t any customers in the shop.
In the beginning, I was lost for a bit and had to get acquainted again with the process.
The first couple of flies that took shape on the vice was ugly without doubt. But the more I tied, the more easy on the eyes they got (still ugly looking).
I took some of the flies fishing one morning and they worked. Ahh… the feeling of accomplishment!
So Back To How Tying Flies Might Make You A Better Fly Fisher
It won’t, in my opinion. It won’t make you catch more fish as that comes from experience on the water.
Fly selection can be an important factor, but you don’t need to tie the flies yourself. You just need to know what flies to use.
It certainly will not make you a better caster. That comes from practice.
It will, however, enrich your knowledge of fly fishing. It will make you a better fly fisher in that sense.
Flies, and fly tying is an integral part of fly fishing. One cannot do without the other or it will not be fly fishing. The subject of flies will always crop up as a topic of conversation during trips and in the company of fly fishers. Knowing the process of how flies are put together will help in the conversation and with the understanding.
Do Not Forget To Fish
Don’t just tie flies, go fishing, often. No offense to all the fly ty8ng gurus out there, but being good at tying beautiful stunning flies will be useless if you don’t personally fish them.
Given a choice I’ll always choose being on the water fishing than being at the table tying flies.
So yes, tie some flies and go fishing plenty!
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